HydroCouple Interface Definitions
▼NHydroCouple | HydroCouple namespace contains the core interface specifications for the HydroCouple component-based modeling framework interface specification |
▼NSpatial | HydroCouple's interfaces that have a spatial component |
CISpatialReferenceSystem | Spatial Reference System |
CIEnvelope | The IEnvelope class |
CIGeometry | IGeometry is the root class of the geometry hierarchy |
CIGeometryCollection | An IGeometryCollection is a geometric object that is a collection of some number of IGeometry objects |
CIPoint | An IPoint is a 0-dimensional geometric object and represents a single location in coordinate space |
CIMultiPoint | An IMultiPoint is a 0-dimensional IGeometryCollection |
CIVertex | IPoint of a topologically aware IGeometry |
CICurve | A Curve is a 1-dimensional geometric object usually stored as a sequence of IPoints, with the subtype of ICurve specifying the form of the interpolation between IPoints |
CIMultiCurve | An IMultiCurve is a 1-dimensional IGeometryCollection whose elements are ICurves |
CILineString | An ILineString is a Curve with linear interpolation between Points. Each consecutive pair of Points defines a Line segment |
CIMultiLineString | An IMultiLineString is an IMultiCurve whose elements are ILineStrings |
CILine | ILineString with exactly 2 IPoints |
CILinearRing | An ILinearRing is an ILineString that is both isClosed() and isSimple() |
CIEdge | A directed edge from one vertex to another, adjacent to two faces. Based on Dani Lischinski's code from Graphics Gems IV. Original quad-edge data structure due to Guibas and Stolfi (1985). Does not inherit from geometry to reduce size. since each edge has 4 pointers |
CISurface | A ISurface is a 2-dimensional IGeometry object |
CIMultiSurface | A MultiSurface is a 2-dimensional GeometryCollection whose elements are Surfaces, all using coordinates from the same coordinate reference system |
CIPolygon | A IPolygon is a planar ISurface defined by 1 exterior boundary and 0 or more interior boundaries |
CIMultiPolygon | An IMultiPolygon is an IMultiSurface whose elements are IPolygons |
CITriangle | An ITriangle is a IPolygon with 3 distinct, non-collinear vertices and no interior boundary |
CINetwork | The INetwork class |
CIPolyhedralSurface | An IPolyhedralSurface is a contiguous collection of polygons, which share common boundary segments |
CITIN | An ITIN is a triangulated irregular network IPolyhedralSurface consisting only of ITriangle patches |
CIRaster | A Raster spatial feature |
CIRasterBand | IRasterBand is a single raster band for an IRaster |
CIRegularGrid2D | The IRegularGrid2D class |
CIRegularGrid3D | The IRegularGrid3D class |
CIGeometryComponentDataItem | IGeometryComponentItem represents IGeometryCollection IComponentItem. This class must be implemented as an abstract class |
CINetworkComponentDataItem | The INetworkComponentDataItem class |
CIPolyhedralSurfaceComponentDataItem | IPolyhedralSurfaceComponentItem represents IPolyhedralSurface IComponentItem |
CITINComponentDataItem | ITINComponentDataItem represents ITIN IComponentDataItem |
CIRasterComponentDataItem | An IRasterComponentDataItem represents an IRaster IComponentItem |
CIRegularGrid2DComponentDataItem | An IRegularGrid2DComponentDataItem represents an IRegularGrid2D IComponentItem |
CIRegularGrid3DComponentDataItem | An IRegularGrid3DComponentItem represents an IRegularGrid3D IComponentItem |
CIVectorComponentDataItem | The IVectorComponentDataItem class |
▼NSpatioTemporal | HydroCouple's interfaces that have both spatial and temporal components |
CITimeGeometryComponentDataItem | ITimeGeometryComponentItem represents an IComponentItem with both temporal and geometric components |
CITimeNetworkComponentDataItem | The ITimeNetworkComponentDataItem class |
CITimePolyhedralSurfaceComponentDataItem | The ITimePolyhedralSurfaceComponentItem class |
CITimeTINComponentDataItem | The ITINComponentItem class |
CITimeRasterComponentDataItem | The ITimeRasterComponentDataItem class |
CITimeRegularGrid2DComponentDataItem | The ITimeRegularGrid2DComponentItem class |
CITimeRegularGrid3DComponentDataItem | The ITimeRegularGrid3DComponentItem class |
CITimeVectorComponentDataItem | The ITimeVectorComponentDataItem class |
▼NTemporal | HydroCouple's interfaces that have a time varying component |
CIDateTime | IDateTime interface based on a Julian day |
CITimeSpan | ITimeSpan specifies a time duration |
CITimeModelComponent | The ITimeModelComponent class |
CITimeComponentDataItem | ITimeComponentItem is an IComponentItem with a temporal attribute. This class cannot be directly instantiated and must be implemented as an abstract class that can be inherited by its specializations e.g., ITimeSeriesComponentDataItem, ITimeSeriesArgument, ITimeIdBasedComponentDataItem, ITimeIdBasedExchangeItem, ITimeIdBasedArgument, or other geotemporal datasets |
CITimeSeriesComponentDataItem | The ITimeSeriesComponentDataItem class |
CITimeIdBasedComponentDataItem | The ITimeIdBasedComponentDataItem class |
CIPropertyChanged | IPropertyChanged interface is used to emit signal/event when a property of an object changes |
CIDescription | IDescription interface class provides descriptive information on a HydroCouple object |
CIIdentity | IIdentity interface class defines a method to get the Id of an HydroCouple entity |
CIComponentInfo | IComponentInfo interface class is a factory that provides detailed metadata about a component and creates new instances of a component |
CIModelComponentInfo | IModelComponentInfo interface inherits from the IComponentInfo interface which provides detailed metadata about an IModelComponent. Additionally, it creates new instances of a component |
CIModelComponent | IModelComponent interface is the core interface in the HydroCouple standard defining a model component |
CIProxyModelComponent | Class for a remote IModelComponent's proxy |
CIComponentStatusChangeEventArgs | The IComponentStatusChangeEventArgs contains the information that will be passed when the IModelComponent fires the IModelComponent::statusChanged signal |
CICloneableModelComponent | The ICloneableModelComponent class |
CIValueDefinition | IValueDefinition describes a value returned by the getValues() function of IValueSet |
CIDimension | IDimension provides the properties of the dimensions of a variable |
CIQuality | Qualitative data described items in terms of some quality or categorization that may be 'informal' or may use relatively ill-defined characteristics such as warmth and flavour. However, qualitative data can include well-defined aspects such as gender, nationality or commodity type |
CIUnitDimensions | Defines the order of dimension in each FundamentalDimension for a unit |
CIUnit | IUnit interface, describing the physical unit of a IQuantity |
CIQuantity | IQuantity specifies values as an amount of some unit, usually as a floating point number |
CIComponentDataItem | IComponentItem is a fundamental unit of data for a component |
CIArgument | IArgument interface class used to set the arguments for components. They can be complex or simple multi-dimensional datasets |
CIExchangeItemChangeEventArgs | The IExchangeItemChangeEventArgs contains the information that will be passed when the IComponentItem fires the componentItemChanged signal |
CIExchangeItem | IExchangeItem the base data item the can be exchanged between components at runtime |
CIOutput | An output exchange item that can deliver values from an IModelComponent |
CIAdaptedOutput | An IAdaptedOutput adds one or more data operations on top of an IOutput |
CIAdaptedOutputFactory | IAdaptedOutputFactory is used to create instances of IAdaptedProducerExchangeItems |
CIAdaptedOutputFactoryComponentInfo | IAdaptedOutputFactoryComponentInfo interface class provides information about an IAdaptedOutputFactoryComponent |
CIAdaptedOutputFactoryComponent | IAdaptedOutputFactoryComponent is an IAdaptedOutputFactory generated from an IAdaptedOutputFactoryComponentInfo |
CIInput | An IInput item that can accept values for an IModelComponent |
CIMultiInput | IInput class that has multiple outputs supplying data to it |
CIIdBasedComponentDataItem | The IIdBasedComponentItem class is an idbased IComponentItem |
CIWorkflowComponentInfo | The IDataExchangeWorkflowComponentInfo class |
CIWorkflowComponent | The IDataExchangeWorkflowComponent class |