HydroCouple  2.0.0
HydroCouple Interface Definitions
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
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 CHydroCouple::IComponentStatusChangeEventArgsThe IComponentStatusChangeEventArgs contains the information that will be passed when the IModelComponent fires the IModelComponent::statusChanged signal
 CHydroCouple::Spatial::IEdgeA directed edge from one vertex to another, adjacent to two faces. Based on Dani Lischinski's code from Graphics Gems IV. Original quad-edge data structure due to Guibas and Stolfi (1985). Does not inherit from geometry to reduce size. since each edge has 4 pointers
 CHydroCouple::Spatial::IEnvelopeThe IEnvelope class
 CHydroCouple::IExchangeItemChangeEventArgsThe IExchangeItemChangeEventArgs contains the information that will be passed when the IComponentItem fires the componentItemChanged signal
 CHydroCouple::Spatial::IGeometryIGeometry is the root class of the geometry hierarchy
 CHydroCouple::Spatial::ICurveA Curve is a 1-dimensional geometric object usually stored as a sequence of IPoints, with the subtype of ICurve specifying the form of the interpolation between IPoints
 CHydroCouple::Spatial::ILineStringAn ILineString is a Curve with linear interpolation between Points. Each consecutive pair of Points defines a Line segment
 CHydroCouple::Spatial::ILineILineString with exactly 2 IPoints
 CHydroCouple::Spatial::ILinearRingAn ILinearRing is an ILineString that is both isClosed() and isSimple()
 CHydroCouple::Spatial::IGeometryCollectionAn IGeometryCollection is a geometric object that is a collection of some number of IGeometry objects
 CHydroCouple::Spatial::IMultiCurveAn IMultiCurve is a 1-dimensional IGeometryCollection whose elements are ICurves
 CHydroCouple::Spatial::IMultiLineStringAn IMultiLineString is an IMultiCurve whose elements are ILineStrings
 CHydroCouple::Spatial::IMultiPointAn IMultiPoint is a 0-dimensional IGeometryCollection
 CHydroCouple::Spatial::IMultiSurfaceA MultiSurface is a 2-dimensional GeometryCollection whose elements are Surfaces, all using coordinates from the same coordinate reference system
 CHydroCouple::Spatial::IMultiPolygonAn IMultiPolygon is an IMultiSurface whose elements are IPolygons
 CHydroCouple::Spatial::IPointAn IPoint is a 0-dimensional geometric object and represents a single location in coordinate space
 CHydroCouple::Spatial::IVertexIPoint of a topologically aware IGeometry
 CHydroCouple::Spatial::ISurfaceA ISurface is a 2-dimensional IGeometry object
 CHydroCouple::Spatial::IPolygonA IPolygon is a planar ISurface defined by 1 exterior boundary and 0 or more interior boundaries
 CHydroCouple::Spatial::ITriangleAn ITriangle is a IPolygon with 3 distinct, non-collinear vertices and no interior boundary
 CHydroCouple::Spatial::IPolyhedralSurfaceAn IPolyhedralSurface is a contiguous collection of polygons, which share common boundary segments
 CHydroCouple::Spatial::ITINAn ITIN is a triangulated irregular network IPolyhedralSurface consisting only of ITriangle patches
 CHydroCouple::IPropertyChangedIPropertyChanged interface is used to emit signal/event when a property of an object changes
 CHydroCouple::IDescriptionIDescription interface class provides descriptive information on a HydroCouple object
 CHydroCouple::IIdentityIIdentity interface class defines a method to get the Id of an HydroCouple entity
 CHydroCouple::IAdaptedOutputFactoryIAdaptedOutputFactory is used to create instances of IAdaptedProducerExchangeItems
 CHydroCouple::IComponentDataItemIComponentItem is a fundamental unit of data for a component
 CHydroCouple::IComponentInfoIComponentInfo interface class is a factory that provides detailed metadata about a component and creates new instances of a component
 CHydroCouple::IDimensionIDimension provides the properties of the dimensions of a variable
 CHydroCouple::IModelComponentIModelComponent interface is the core interface in the HydroCouple standard defining a model component
 CHydroCouple::IWorkflowComponentThe IDataExchangeWorkflowComponent class
 CHydroCouple::Spatial::INetworkThe INetwork class
 CHydroCouple::Spatial::IRasterA Raster spatial feature
 CHydroCouple::Spatial::IRasterBandIRasterBand is a single raster band for an IRaster
 CHydroCouple::Spatial::IRegularGrid2DThe IRegularGrid2D class
 CHydroCouple::Spatial::IRegularGrid3DThe IRegularGrid3D class
 CHydroCouple::IUnitIUnit interface, describing the physical unit of a IQuantity
 CHydroCouple::IUnitDimensionsDefines the order of dimension in each FundamentalDimension for a unit
 CHydroCouple::IValueDefinitionIValueDefinition describes a value returned by the getValues() function of IValueSet
 CHydroCouple::IQualityQualitative data described items in terms of some quality or categorization that may be 'informal' or may use relatively ill-defined characteristics such as warmth and flavour. However, qualitative data can include well-defined aspects such as gender, nationality or commodity type
 CHydroCouple::IQuantityIQuantity specifies values as an amount of some unit, usually as a floating point number
 CHydroCouple::Temporal::IDateTimeIDateTime interface based on a Julian day
 CHydroCouple::Temporal::ITimeSpanITimeSpan specifies a time duration
 CHydroCouple::Spatial::ISpatialReferenceSystemSpatial Reference System
 CLinearRingThe LinearRing struct
 CLinearRingMThe LinearRingM struct
 CLinearRingZThe LinearRingZ struct
 CLinearRingZMThe LinearRingZM struct
 CPointThe Point struct
 CPointMThe PointM struct
 CPointZThe PointZ struct
 CPointZMThe PointZM struct
 CWKBGeometryThe WKBGeometry union
 CWKBGeometryCollectionThe WKBGeometryCollection struct
 CWKBGeometryCollectionMThe WKBGeometryCollectionM struct
 CWKBGeometryCollectionZThe WKBGeometryCollectionZ struct
 CWKBGeometryCollectionZMThe WKBGeometryCollectionZM struct
 CWKBGeometryMThe WKBGeometryM union
 CWKBGeometryZThe WKBGeometryZ union
 CWKBGeometryZMThe WKBGeometryZM union
 CWKBLineStringThe WKBLineString struct
 CWKBLineStringMThe WKBLineStringM struct
 CWKBLineStringZThe WKBLineStringZ struct
 CWKBLineStringZMThe WKBLineStringZM struct
 CWKBMultiLineStringThe WKBMultiLineString struct
 CWKBMultiLineStringMThe WKBMultiLineStringM struct
 CWKBMultiLineStringZThe WKBMultiLineStringZ struct
 CWKBMultiLineStringZMThe WKBMultiLineStringZM struct
 CWKBMultiPointThe WKBMultiPoint struct
 CWKBMultiPointMThe WKBMultiPointM struct
 CWKBMultiPointZThe WKBMultiPointZ struct
 CWKBMultiPointZMThe WKBMultiPointZM struct
 CWKBMultiPolygonThe WKBMultiPolygon struct
 CWKBMultiPolygonMThe WKBMultiPolygonM struct
 CWKBMultiPolygonZThe WKBMultiPolygonZ struct
 CWKBMultiPolygonZMThe WKBMultiPolygonZM struct
 CWKBPointThe WKBPoint struct
 CWKBPointMThe WKBPointM struct
 CWKBPointZThe WKBPointZ struct
 CWKBPointZMThe WKBPointZM struct
 CWKBPolygonThe WKBPolygon struct
 CWKBPolygonMThe WKBPolygonM struct
 CWKBPolygonZThe WKBPolygonZ struct
 CWKBPolygonZMThe WKBPolygonZM struct
 CWKBPolyhedralSurfaceThe WKBPolyhedralSurface struct
 CWKBPolyhedralSurfaceMThe WKBPolyhedralSurfaceM struct
 CWKBPolyhedralSurfaceZThe WKBPolyhedralSurfaceZ struct
 CWKBPolyhedralSurfaceZMThe WKBPolyhedralSurfaceZM struct
 CWKBTriangleThe WKBTriangle struct
 CWKBTriangleMThe WKBTriangleM struct
 CWKBTriangleZThe WKBTriangleZ struct
 CWKBTriangleZMThe WKBTriangleZM struct