HydroCouple Interface Definitions
▼NHydroCouple | HydroCouple namespace contains the core interface specifications for the HydroCouple component-based modeling framework interface specification |
►NSpatial | HydroCouple's interfaces that have a spatial component |
►NSpatioTemporal | HydroCouple's interfaces that have both spatial and temporal components |
►NTemporal | HydroCouple's interfaces that have a time varying component |
CIPropertyChanged | IPropertyChanged interface is used to emit signal/event when a property of an object changes |
CIDescription | IDescription interface class provides descriptive information on a HydroCouple object |
CIIdentity | IIdentity interface class defines a method to get the Id of an HydroCouple entity |
CIComponentInfo | IComponentInfo interface class is a factory that provides detailed metadata about a component and creates new instances of a component |
CIModelComponentInfo | IModelComponentInfo interface inherits from the IComponentInfo interface which provides detailed metadata about an IModelComponent. Additionally, it creates new instances of a component |
CIModelComponent | IModelComponent interface is the core interface in the HydroCouple standard defining a model component |
CIProxyModelComponent | Class for a remote IModelComponent's proxy |
CIComponentStatusChangeEventArgs | The IComponentStatusChangeEventArgs contains the information that will be passed when the IModelComponent fires the IModelComponent::statusChanged signal |
CICloneableModelComponent | The ICloneableModelComponent class |
CIValueDefinition | IValueDefinition describes a value returned by the getValues() function of IValueSet |
CIDimension | IDimension provides the properties of the dimensions of a variable |
CIQuality | Qualitative data described items in terms of some quality or categorization that may be 'informal' or may use relatively ill-defined characteristics such as warmth and flavour. However, qualitative data can include well-defined aspects such as gender, nationality or commodity type |
CIUnitDimensions | Defines the order of dimension in each FundamentalDimension for a unit |
CIUnit | IUnit interface, describing the physical unit of a IQuantity |
CIQuantity | IQuantity specifies values as an amount of some unit, usually as a floating point number |
CIComponentDataItem | IComponentItem is a fundamental unit of data for a component |
CIArgument | IArgument interface class used to set the arguments for components. They can be complex or simple multi-dimensional datasets |
CIExchangeItemChangeEventArgs | The IExchangeItemChangeEventArgs contains the information that will be passed when the IComponentItem fires the componentItemChanged signal |
CIExchangeItem | IExchangeItem the base data item the can be exchanged between components at runtime |
CIOutput | An output exchange item that can deliver values from an IModelComponent |
CIAdaptedOutput | An IAdaptedOutput adds one or more data operations on top of an IOutput |
CIAdaptedOutputFactory | IAdaptedOutputFactory is used to create instances of IAdaptedProducerExchangeItems |
CIAdaptedOutputFactoryComponentInfo | IAdaptedOutputFactoryComponentInfo interface class provides information about an IAdaptedOutputFactoryComponent |
CIAdaptedOutputFactoryComponent | IAdaptedOutputFactoryComponent is an IAdaptedOutputFactory generated from an IAdaptedOutputFactoryComponentInfo |
CIInput | An IInput item that can accept values for an IModelComponent |
CIMultiInput | IInput class that has multiple outputs supplying data to it |
CIIdBasedComponentDataItem | The IIdBasedComponentItem class is an idbased IComponentItem |
CIWorkflowComponentInfo | The IDataExchangeWorkflowComponentInfo class |
CIWorkflowComponent | The IDataExchangeWorkflowComponent class |
CLinearRing | The LinearRing struct |
CLinearRingM | The LinearRingM struct |
CLinearRingZ | The LinearRingZ struct |
CLinearRingZM | The LinearRingZM struct |
CPoint | The Point struct |
CPointM | The PointM struct |
CPointZ | The PointZ struct |
CPointZM | The PointZM struct |
CWKBGeometry | The WKBGeometry union |
CWKBGeometryCollection | The WKBGeometryCollection struct |
CWKBGeometryCollectionM | The WKBGeometryCollectionM struct |
CWKBGeometryCollectionZ | The WKBGeometryCollectionZ struct |
CWKBGeometryCollectionZM | The WKBGeometryCollectionZM struct |
CWKBGeometryM | The WKBGeometryM union |
CWKBGeometryZ | The WKBGeometryZ union |
CWKBGeometryZM | The WKBGeometryZM union |
CWKBLineString | The WKBLineString struct |
CWKBLineStringM | The WKBLineStringM struct |
CWKBLineStringZ | The WKBLineStringZ struct |
CWKBLineStringZM | The WKBLineStringZM struct |
CWKBMultiLineString | The WKBMultiLineString struct |
CWKBMultiLineStringM | The WKBMultiLineStringM struct |
CWKBMultiLineStringZ | The WKBMultiLineStringZ struct |
CWKBMultiLineStringZM | The WKBMultiLineStringZM struct |
CWKBMultiPoint | The WKBMultiPoint struct |
CWKBMultiPointM | The WKBMultiPointM struct |
CWKBMultiPointZ | The WKBMultiPointZ struct |
CWKBMultiPointZM | The WKBMultiPointZM struct |
CWKBMultiPolygon | The WKBMultiPolygon struct |
CWKBMultiPolygonM | The WKBMultiPolygonM struct |
CWKBMultiPolygonZ | The WKBMultiPolygonZ struct |
CWKBMultiPolygonZM | The WKBMultiPolygonZM struct |
CWKBPoint | The WKBPoint struct |
CWKBPointM | The WKBPointM struct |
CWKBPointZ | The WKBPointZ struct |
CWKBPointZM | The WKBPointZM struct |
CWKBPolygon | The WKBPolygon struct |
CWKBPolygonM | The WKBPolygonM struct |
CWKBPolygonZ | The WKBPolygonZ struct |
CWKBPolygonZM | The WKBPolygonZM struct |
CWKBPolyhedralSurface | The WKBPolyhedralSurface struct |
CWKBPolyhedralSurfaceM | The WKBPolyhedralSurfaceM struct |
CWKBPolyhedralSurfaceZ | The WKBPolyhedralSurfaceZ struct |
CWKBPolyhedralSurfaceZM | The WKBPolyhedralSurfaceZM struct |
CWKBTIN | The WKBTIN struct |
CWKBTriangle | The WKBTriangle struct |
CWKBTriangleM | The WKBTriangleM struct |
CWKBTriangleZ | The WKBTriangleZ struct |
CWKBTriangleZM | The WKBTriangleZM struct |